Just the Right Amount of Lagom: 7 Books to Help You Achieve Balance

In the same way that Goldilocks was always in search of the perfect chair, bed, and temperature of her porridge, we are all looking for a life that feels just right. Sweden has been aware of the power of this balance for centuries, and in Swedish there's even a word for it: lagom, which translates to "just the right amount." The concept has recently started to make waves in the publishing industry, and rather ironically, the number of books being released might be considered the opposite of lagom. If 2017 was the year of hygge, 2018 looks like it will be all about lagom.

Ahead, find 10 of the best books that help readers incorporate the lagom lifestyle into their own daily lives.

The Little Book of Lagom: How to Balance Your Life the Swedish Way by Jonny Jackson & Elias Larsen
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

The Little Book of Lagom: How to Balance Your Life the Swedish Way by Jonny Jackson & Elias Larsen

A study out of Princeton University found that people needed to earn at least $75,000 a year in order to have emotional well-being, but anything over that didn't bring more happiness. Apparently $75,000 a year is "lagom," and any more is just overkill. Someone should probably tell that to the Kardashians . . .

Available on Amazon.

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Eating Harmoniously by Steffi Knowles-Dellner and Yuki Sugiura
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Eating Harmoniously by Steffi Knowles-Dellner and Yuki Sugiura

Lagom can clearly be seen through the eating style of the Swedes. The best-selling milk in Sweden is not whole or skim, but 1.5% milk. Just enough fat content to keep everybody happy and full.

According to the New Yorker, "the term is said to come from the Viking phrase laget om, or 'around the team,' meaning that you should take only a sip of the mead that's being passed around so that no one is left without."

At its essence, Lagom suggests that people live a life of moderation, balance, and sustainability and avoid excess or gluttonous behavior. Where better to exhibit this style than in the kitchen?

Available on Amazon.

The Lagom Life: A Swedish Way of Living by Elisabeth Carlsson
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

The Lagom Life: A Swedish Way of Living by Elisabeth Carlsson

Most recently, Ikea has launched a "Live Lagom" campaign in support of the balance, harmony, beauty, and sufficiency that is highlighted in the philosophy of lagom, as well as Carlsson's book, The Lagom Life.

Available on Amazon.

Live Lagom Balanced Living the Swedish Way by Anna Brones
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

Live Lagom Balanced Living the Swedish Way by Anna Brones

"In a chaotic, modern world, this all feels like a breath of fresh air. We're craving more balance, more equality, more simplicity. We're looking for something that's often hard to put an exact name to, but it's a feeling of contentedness, of having just the right amount of things, the right amount of time." - Anna Brones

Available on Amazon.

Lagom: Not Too Little, Not Too Much: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life by Niki Brantmark
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

Lagom: Not Too Little, Not Too Much: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life by Niki Brantmark

Niki Brantmark explains right in the beginning of her book, Lagom, that she married into this Swedish lifestyle but fell in love with it long before: "I found myself captivated by this slower, fuss-free way of living. And when my husband and I discussed who should make the 'big move' one year later, I was on my way to the airport faster than I could say 'Jag!' (me!)."

Available on Amazon.

Lagom: The Swedish Secret of Living Well by Lola A. Akerstrom
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

Lagom: The Swedish Secret of Living Well by Lola A. Akerstrom

"Lagom wants our belongings to either have a logical purpose or bring us joy . . . While Swedish design has no roots in spiritualism, it seeks the same goal of harmony by creating spaces that evoke feelings of contextual perfection and allows us to feel at peace in our very own lagom nests of contentment."- Lola A. Akerstrom

Available on Amazon.

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living by Linnea Dunne
Unsplash | Jeremy Thomas

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living by Linnea Dunne

"With its loathing of waste and insistence on fairness, lagom is a crucial ingredient in Sweden's recipe for success." - Linnea Dunn

Available on Amazon.