The 1 Thing We MUST Stop Doing in Our Careers

Sep 14 2017 - 2:05am

Despite how many times we're warned not to do it, so many of us find ourselves stuck in the deep, dark hole of comparison. What starts out as an innocent browse online or random scroll on social media quickly leads to a downward spiral of negative thoughts and feelings of not measuring up. A recipe for misery, to be sure. I should know, as I struggled with this vicious comparison trap for quite some time, especially when it came to my career.

But after being sucked into the vortex of resentment and jealousy one too many times, I knew it was time to make a change, or else I would continue riding the fast track to unhappiness. And while the process of figuring out how to stop comparing yourself — and your career — to others can be tricky, I can firmly state the challenge is so worth it. So if you, too, are seeking to free your mind from comparison once and for all, march forward with the five steps below.

Learn to water your own grass.

Think about it: we won't grow grass by focusing on our neighbor's garden. We must learn to nurture our own. The same goes for our careers. When we shift our attention to what other people are achieving, we give away precious time we could be using to invest in ourselves. So instead of wasting time comparing the path you've carved to those around you, harness that energy into watering your own grass and creating new goals for yourself.

When you lay out a game plan for yourself, you'll be less likely to bring out that ugly measuring stick. You won't be as tempted to compare yourself to other people's successes because you'll be working toward your own aspirations.

Cleanse your mind with a social media detox.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." And to think that statement was made before social media even existed. No wonder we endlessly compare — we're constantly bombarded with rose-colored filters and highlighted reels. So much so that we forget to remember we're not seeing the entire picture; we're only looking at the perfectly cropped, edited, and polished pieces.

Although social media can be an incredible tool for inspiration, more often than not, it simply amplifies resentment. If this is the case for you (and it happens to all of us) consider undergoing a social media detox. Whether it's for a day, week, or month, delete the apps off your phone and take time to cleanse your mind of all the feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and frustration. Who knows? You might enjoy this liberating feeling so much, you'll choose to keep the cleanse going. At the very least, you'll have a lot more time on your hands to focus on your goals.

Become a better cheerleader.

Instead of turning green with envy or falling into the "shoulda" trap — you know, "that should have been me," etc. — when a friend or colleague receives a promotion, congratulate them. Furthermore, genuinely celebrate their successes. Choose collaboration over competition. Remind yourself that everyone's timeline is different, so just because that person hit their goals before you did doesn't mean you're a failure. It means your time will come, and until then, be happy!

Along with cheering on others, don't forget to be your own cheerleader, too. Remind yourself of your unique perspectives, experiences, and talents. Celebrate the fact that whatever goal you're striving toward, you encompass everything needed to conquer it, and more!

Redefine who you are comparing yourself to.

If you need to compare yourself with someone, make that someone you. Compare yourself to yesterday's version of yourself. What steps did you take to further achieve your goals? How productive were you with your time? How have you grown since then?

These are the types of comparisons that will lead you toward becoming the best version of yourself and will keep you on track toward your own definition of success — whatever that might be.

Transform the negative into positive.

At the end of the day, commit to transforming negative comparisons into positive inspiration. So often we tend to compare our beginnings to someone else's middle or end. We don't consider the hard work and dedication that went into the eventual triumphs. So instead of viewing those successes as anything less than a reason to celebrate, allow them to serve as an open door for new possibilities. Most importantly, become inspired and stay motivated [4].

The wise poet Mary Oliver once asked, "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Use these beautiful words to constantly inspire you and the choices you make, both in your career and in the every day.

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