Your 2016 Guide to Year-End Tipping

Dec 26 2016 - 6:35am

Although it's often fun to give gifts, the anxiety of choosing them is still a major cause of holiday stress. This is especially true for obligatory gifts you feel compelled to give people you don't know well: the year-end tips for service people. Are you, like many people, wondering how much holiday cheddar to give your doorman, hairstylist, or personal trainer? We consulted the experts for some tips [1] on tipping.


Give $25-$100 each, depending on how fancy the building, how attentive they are, how many visitors or deliveries you get, etc.

Fitness Trainer

The approximate recommendation is $50.

Personal Hairstylist

The cost of a regular session plus a gift and no less than $5 per staffer.

Newspaper Delivery Person

Daily delivery: $15 to $25
Weekend delivery only: $5 to $15


Two nights' pay or so and perhaps a gift as well.

Parking Attendant

As a rule, tip attendants $10 to $20 each.

Cleaning Person

A week's pay or so.

Building Superintendent

For fancier apartment buildings (and depending on your interaction with them), tip the super $30 to $100.

Daycare Professional

Give $15 to $25 and a gift.

Mail Carrier

As a rule, government agencies (such as the US Postal Service) prevent employees from receiving monetary gifts or gratuities. However, you can present your favorite mailperson with a noncash gift up to $20 in value if you two have a personal relationship. Get some dos and don'ts for mail carrier gifts [2].

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